Bronzeville Street Map, 1996
Gregg LeFevre
Median at 35th
Street and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive
This 14-foot by 7-foot inlaid bronze map was installed as
part of revitalization efforts in the south-side neighborhood known as
“Bronzeville.” Other examples of public art in the area include Alison Saar’s Monument to the Great Northern Migration,
Mary Brogger’s Recognition Panels, a
series of benches by various artists installed on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Drive between 25th and 35th streets, as well as Geraldine
McCullough’s series of 17-inch diamond-shaped plaques placed in medians and
sidewalks. McCullough’s 91 plaques identify locations related to prominent
African Americans, such as Nat “King” Cole, Ida B. Wells, Richard Wright, Jack
Johnson, and Langston Hughes, as well as other historical sites.
Gregg LeFevre, a New York-based artist, was chosen to
create the street map, with the assistance of a team of local researchers,
because of his vast experience creating similar inlaid panels and plaques all
over New York City. More than simply a map, the plaque includes historical
facts and representations of artifacts related to the individuals, businesses
and sites that contributed to the neighborhood’s status as the “Black
Metropolis from the mid-19th century to the 1930s.
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